
Trabajo Original: Endocarditis trivalvular: a propósito de un caso



Acute infective endocarditis is a rare clinical condition but has significant morbidity and mortality; the latter reaching more than 60,000 cases per year in the world. On the other hand, the development of multivalvular endocarditis, the most severe form of the pathology, demands arduous diagnostic and therapeutic work. We present the case of a patient diagnosed with multivalvular endocarditis and who undergoes mitroaortic valve replacement, tricuspid valve exploration, and complete resection of the pulmonary leaflets.

Key words: Multivalvular endocarditis, Valvulopathy.

Caso Clínico: Diagnóstico por imagen multimodal de cardiopatías congénitas. Reporte de Caso



Multimodal imaging diagnosis of congenital heart diseases. A case report

Implementation of multimodal imaging techniques in the study of congenital heart disease makes it possible to overcome the disadvantages of one with the scope of the other. We present a case of a patient with persistent left vena cava draining to the left atrium, pseudocoarctation of the aorta and bicuspid aortic valve, whose approach required the implementation of several imaging modalities to establish the diagnosis and define its follow-up.

Key words: congenital heart disease, persistent left superior vena cava, multimodal imaging, echocardiography.

Trabajo Original: Por qué el paciente anticoagulado es prioritario en la vacunación contra la COVID-19: mitos y realidades



Why anticoagulated patients are a priority in covid-19 vaccination: myths and realities

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged healthcare systems worldwide, given the scarcity of effective treatments, vaccination has emerged as the primary strategy to mitigate this disease. This approach takes on additional importance in the context of patients with heart disease, who constitute a high-risk group for morbidity and mortality. In this regard, it is essential to understand the implications of drugs used in the treatment of these diseases, including anticoagulants, particularly in the face of the proliferation of misinformation and myths related to vaccines, their development, and possible adverse effects. With the aim of providing relevant guidance, this literature review aspired to equip healthcare professionals with necessary recommendations on the COVID-19 vaccine and the management of anticoagulant therapy, thereby facilitating effective and timely decision-making. Thus, evidence suggests that intramuscular vaccine administration in this group is considered safe, with minimal incidence of hematomas, supporting the recommendation to vaccinate these patients, in whom the general vaccination recommendation is even greater than in the general population. Finally, anticoagulated patients are urged to follow the instructions of health authorities regarding their indication and administration.

Key words: Anticoagulation, COVID-19, vaccination, SARS-CoV-2, direct anticoagulants, Warfarin, DOAC.




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